Rules & Regulation

Rules & Regulations

At MIMT, we are committed to creating a safe, respectful, and conducive learning environment for all students. Our rules and regulations are designed to ensure a harmonious community where everyone can thrive academically and personally.

Academic Integrity:
*Plagiarism and cheating are strictly prohibited.
*Students must adhere to the prescribed academic standards and practices.
*Respect for fellow students’ work and ideas is essential.

*Regular attendance in classes is mandatory.
*Students must follow the attendance policy outlined by each department.

Behavior and Conduct:
*Treat all members of the college community with respect and courtesy.
*Abide by the college’s code of conduct in and outside of campus premises.
*Any form of harassment, discrimination, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

Dress Code:
*Follow the specified dress code guidelines that promote a professional and respectful appearance.

Use of Facilities:
*Use college facilities responsibly and maintain cleanliness.
*Any damage to college property must be reported immediately.

Prohibited Activities:
*Possession or use of illegal substances on campus is strictly prohibited.
*Any form of violence, threats, or intimidation is not tolerated.

Technology and Communication:
*Use technology resources responsibly and ethically.
*Respect the privacy and digital rights of others.

Parking and Transportation:
*Adhere to parking regulations and guidelines.
*Follow transportation policies if applicable.

Disciplinary Actions:
*Violations of college rules may result in disciplinary actions, including warnings, probation, suspension, or expulsion.
*The college follows a fair and just disciplinary process.

How to Get Help:
*If you have questions about specific rules or need clarification, contact the relevant department or the college administration.
*If you experience any issues related to behavior or violations, report them to the appropriate college authority.

By adhering to these rules and regulations, you contribute to a positive and productive college experience for yourself and your peers. Your commitment to these standards helps us maintain the values that MIMT stands for.